Lehrausgang UNO-City 6B am 18.09.2024

Die Klasse 6B durfte im Rahmen einer englischsprachigen Führung die UNO-City erkunden und erfahren, welche vielfältigen Aufgaben die UNO und ihre Suborganisationen erfüllen. Neben der Geschichte der UNO, des Gebäudes und des besonderen Standortes in Wien erfuhren die Schüler außerdem einiges über die Jobmöglichkeiten in der UNO. Es wurde deutlich, welchen besonderen Stellenwert Sprachkenntnisse in der internationalen Zusammenarbeit haben.

Hier ein paar Statements der Schüler:

I appreciated the excursion to the UNO. It was a brand-new experience for me.” 

I learned a lot about the purpose of the United Nations, its responsibilities and the content of its work. I used to think that the work of the United Nations was only related to diplomacy and politics, but after this visit I realized that there are many different types of work.“

The tour guide explained very well and the content was informative.” 

I really enjoyed our trip to the UNO. Our guide told us many interesting things about her workplace. Besides that I found it really inspiring because someday I would like to become a diplomat.“

If I had to rate this trip from one to five I would give it a five. And I would be delighted to visit the UNO again someday.“

Mag. Emilia Godwin und Dr. Thomas Wallmann